If this address does not take you to your router’s login page, you can try using 192. 168. 1. 1, 192. 168. 2. 1, 10. 0. 1. 1, or http://dlinkrouter. local. [2] X Research source If this none of these addresses work, you can finder your router’s Default Gateway address using a PC or Mac. Copy the Default Gateway address and paste it into your web browser’s address bar.
If “admin” doesn’t work as the default username, you can try using D-LINK or user as the username. [4] X Research source
If a blank password doesn’t work, try using admin, D-LINK, or user as the password. [5] X Research source If none of the usernames or passwords work, you can reset your router. To do so, locate the pinhole that is usually on the back of the router. Use a paperclip or pin to press and hold the button inside the pinhole for about 30 seconds. You can change your router’s admin password. in the Settings menu. To do so, log in to the router and click the Tools tab at the top. Then enter your new password under “Admin Password. " Then click Save Settings at the top.
It is recommended you pick a strong password with a mix of upper and lower-case letters and numbers. Make sure it does not contain dictionary words. Use a unique password that you do not use for any other purpose. You can use a password manager to pick a strong password and manage all your passwords.
If your router only supports WEP security encryption, you may want to consider upgrading to a newer router. WEP is an outdated encryption method that is easy to break.
It is recommended you pick a strong password with a mix of upper and lower-case letters and numbers. Make sure it does not contain dictionary words. Use a unique password that you do not use for any other purpose. You can use a password manager to pick a strong password and manage all your passwords.