Make sure to select the same shape as the picture you want to add. You may often need a standard rectangle or a circle here.

Make sure the shape is proportional to the picture you’re inserting. Otherwise, your image may become skewed. After creating the shape, you can adjust its size and proportions. Just click and drag the white dots on the shape’s selection outline.

If the shape is not selected, just click on it in the slide.

Inserting the picture as a shape fill will allow you to adjust its transparency as you like. Alternatively, you can select Online Pictures here to insert an image from a web link.

You can adjust the shape from the white dots on its outline.

You can adjust the shape from the white dots on its outline.

You can adjust the shape from the white dots on its outline.

Alternatively, you can manually type in a transparency percentage in the box here.

Alternatively, you can type in a transparency percentage in the box, or use the up and down arrows here.