Use caution if there is presumed potential neck or spinal injury, such as a person who has fallen from a height or at the scene of an automobile accident where there are signs of additional obvious major trauma. [1] X Research source Travers, Andrew, Thomas D Rhea, and Bentley J Bobrow, American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care: CPR Overview, Circulation, 2010, 122, S676-S684 Anyone who has fallen from a height or been involved in an motor vehicle accident should have spinal precautions taken.

If this doesn’t work, try yelling once or twice at her to see if that will rouse her. Yell phrases such as “Hey!” or “Hello!” to see if she wakes up. [2] X Research source

You can also try a “trap squeeze,” which is when you grasp the muscles of the shoulder by your thumb and fingers and squeeze into the hollow of the collarbone. Bend low as you do this and listen for sounds or signs of breathing. Anyone who is simply sedated but breathing should rouse from the pain. [3] X Research source Travers, Andrew, Thomas D Rhea, and Bentley J Bobrow, American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care: CPR Overview, Circulation, 2010, 122, S676-S684 Note the reaction, if any, to tell to EMS when they arrive.

Take a moment to push her shoulders down gently. This expands the width of the trachea and helps to keep the jaw lifted.

The chin should end in a slightly lifted position, as if he were sniffing the air. [5] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

Try to avoid pushing any matter further down the trachea by only sweeping as far as you can easily see inside the open mouth. Use sweeping motions rather than digging ones. If the tongue is obstructing the airway, try the jaw thrust method. Crouch above her head, looking down toward the toes. Grasp the jaw gently but firmly with both hands, so that you can curve your fingers into the soft flesh of the chin. Gently lift the jaw to the sky without moving the rest of the head. This helps the tongue to fall to the floor of the jaw, rather than settling in the airway.

If there is not a rise of the chest, try to re-position the airway a little in either direction. You may have gone too far or not far enough to open the airway. If the patient is gasping for breath or breathing poorly, treat this as not breathing and check for circulation. [6] X Research source Travers, Andrew, Thomas D Rhea, and Bentley J Bobrow, American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care: CPR Overview, Circulation, 2010, 122, S676-S684 [7] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

If you hear normal breathing, there is no need for CPR. You should still call 911 if she does not wake up. [8] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

If the pulse is weak or if there is no pulse, the person is in trouble and you need to seek medical help. [9] X Research source Travers, Andrew, Thomas D Rhea, and Bentley J Bobrow, American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care: CPR Overview, Circulation, 2010, 122, S676-S684

If you are with someone else, have them call 911 while you attend to the victim.

Make sure you follow the American Heart Associations guidelines for CPR when you administer it to the victim. [10] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source Consider taking a CPR class to be fully trained on how to properly administer this life-saving procedure. There are different methods of CPR for adults and children.