If you don’t know where to find a booth reader, ask a subway employee.

Once you’ve found your Metrocard balance, click “OK” to return to the main menu.

This method does not work if you have an Unlimited Ride Metrocard. It only works for Pay-Per-Ride cards.

There are, however, several unofficial apps that help you track your Metrocard balance so you can record it on your phone. You can find these apps by searching “Metrocard balance tracker” in your phone’s app store.

Log in to your Metrocard account here: https://mc. adelaidemetro. com. au/ You can create a Metrocard account here if you don’t have one: https://mc. adelaidemetro. com. au/UserNew/Preregister. aspx

The Metrocard info line is: 1 300 311-108

If you can’t find the information center, ask an employee for directions.

You can also check the card validator while entering or exiting the Adelaide Railway Station.

Log in to or create a Metrocard account here: https://metrocard. metroinfo. co. nz/#/login You can also add funds to your Metrocard after you’ve logged in.

Find the nearest Metro information counter here: http://www. metroinfo. co. nz/metrocard/Pages/WhereToBuy. aspx Have your card ready to give to the customer service agent so they can easily find your account.

The New Zealand Metrocard phone number is: (03) 366-88-55.

Transaction receipts display the 20 most recent card charges.

You can add between 1,000-10,000 ¥ at a time. If you want to add money to your card on the bus, you can by asking your bus driver. They can transfer up to 1,000 ¥ to your card.