For example, you may notice that the person shows up when they say they are going to and does not flake out at the last minute on plans you have together. You may also notice that the person does not cheat on tests or exams, even though they might get away with it. This is an indication that they have a strong moral compass and will not simply take the easy route if it means less work for them.
For example, you may notice that the person always shows up to your games or matches, or makes every effort to be there. Maybe the person takes on extra duties at home so you have time to study for an exam or time to spend on an important project for work. You may also note that the person tells you directly, “I support you and think what you are doing is great,” or, “I believe in you and your abilities. I want to support you in every way I can. ”
For example, an emotionally mature person will be a good listener and put their needs aside to focus on your needs. They will also be comfortable talking about their feelings, wants, and needs with you and be willing to ask for what they want. An emotionally mature person will also be able to make their own decisions and choices without the influence of others. This is a good trait to have as it shows that they can be accountable for their own choices and be responsible with their decisions.
You may also think about how your partner handles conflict between you. Do they get upset and shut down? Are they able to talk to you about their feelings and concerns? Note how they react in difficult or challenging situations and whether you feel they react in a healthy, honest way.
For example, you may write down that you cannot trust your partner because they are not honest with you about their feelings. You may then consider talking with your partner about being more open and honest with their feelings. Communicating with them about your concerns may help you learn how to trust them in the future.
If you feel your relationship has not developed as much as you hoped it would in terms of trust and loyalty, you may decide to talk to your partner about how you are feeling. You should consider what you can both do to prioritize your relationship and develop a stronger sense of loyalty.
For example, you should consider if the person treats their friends with loyalty and consideration. Do they try to support their friends in their endeavors? Do they try to spend time with their friends and follow through on their commitments to their friends? You should also consider how your partner treats their family. Though they may not be close to their family, they may still go out of their way to help a family member in need or try to support a family member who is suffering or having a hard time.
For example, you may notice that the person is good at texting people back and responding to messages from friends who are in need. They may also make plans with friends or coworkers and then make sure they always show up and put in an effort. You may also note that the person is able to commit to short-term plans and long-term plans with you. Perhaps you make dinner plans for next week and the person makes sure they can make it. You may also plan a vacation in a few months and note that the person makes sure they are able to go with you before they commit.
Your partner should be aware of when they are stepping over the line and possibly breaking your trust by spending too much time with someone else or by devoting too much emotion to another person. If you express concern about their relationship with someone else, they should listen to your concerns and try to show you that you have nothing to worry about. For example, you should note if your partner is able to have relationships with the opposite sex, or the sex they are attracted to, without ending up getting too flirty or too close. This could be someone they work with or a close friend. They should be able to maintain friendly, platonic relationships with others and also devote enough time to your relationship.
If you have some concerns about your partner’s loyalty, you should speak to them about trust and commitment. Your partner should try to assure you that they can be loyal to you and show you that they can be loyal. You may also ask them to show you that they can be trusted and will not cheat on you like they did with their other partners in the past.