If your bamboo blinds begin to mildew or collect other dirt and filth such as cobwebs that cannot be removed by dusting, you may need to wash them with a water and oil soap, vinegar, or bleach mixture.
You can also use white vinegar as an alternative to a commercial oil soap product. Use 1 cup (250 ml) of white vinegar in every 1 gallon (3. 8 L) of water. If you are treating your bamboo blinds specifically for mildew or mold, substitute the oil soap and water mixture with one part bleach for every 2 parts water.
You may need to clean one panel or blind at a time depending on their size.
You may place the blinds in direct sunlight for a minimum of 20 minutes or until they are completely dry. Do not place your blinds in a moist, damp environment like a steamy bathroom because it may cause mildew to form on your blinds.