Gently massage the inside of your belly button. This will loosen up any lint or other dirt and debris. If some pieces of lint are very large, you may have to pull them out of your belly button.

Red or itchy skin near the belly button Swelling A bad smell Discharge from the belly button Pain or blistering around the belly button

A large towel for your baby to lie on. A sponge, cotton swabs, a bowl of warm water, and baby soap.

Wash your hands for about 20 seconds. Make sure to dry your hands off using a clean cloth or paper towel.

Discharge around the belly button A foul smell coming from the umbilical cord Tenderness or swelling of the skin

You want to keep the cord clean and dry until it falls off naturally. This keeps your baby’s belly button free of infection. Do not use rubbing alcohol to clean an umbilical cord.

If you don’t have anywhere special to go on a given day, throw on an old t-shirt.