There are so many methods out there that involve natural ingredients so that you can have a chemical-free cleaning routine and home. Not only are these a safer option for pets and children, but they will also help you to save money and streamline your cleaning cupboards. You can say goodbye to expensive bottles of floor cleaners by swapping to affordable alternatives like baking soda and vinegar which are far more versatile.  So, whether you are interested in discovering how to clean a carpet with vinegar (opens in new tab) or baking soda (opens in new tab), these natural methods will inspire you to ditch artificial products for good. Alongside removing dirt and stains from carpet using the following techniques, the best vacuum cleaners (opens in new tab)will help you to keep on top of everyday grime that builds up.  From removing red wine stains to muddy footprints, cleaning expert Matthew Jenkins from Price Your Job (opens in new tab) has recommended the best natural carpet cleaners, so your floors will be fresh in no time. 

1. Steam vapor

Water is one of the simplest ways to clean a carpet naturally. Steam vapor poses no risk of further damaging a carpet, so you can clean with peace of mind. While it does involve investing in a steam cleaner, these are incredibly effective at deodorizing and disinfecting floors and furnishings, so will be a handy addition to your home.  Cleaning expert Matthew Jenkins also noted the health benefits of using water, “Steam cleaning allows you to kill up to 99.9% of bacteria in the process through the hot steam, and also helps to kill small pests such as dust mites.” So not only will your carpet look brand new, but it will also be more hygienic. 

2. Water, salt and vinegar

Matthew also offered the following step-by-step guide to cleaning carpets with a mixture of water, salt, and vinegar. This method can be prepped in no time at all, so is handy for when you’re cleaning in a rush or your supplies are running low.  Step 1: Create a mixture of two parts water and one part vinegar in a large spray bottle.  Step 2: Mix them together and add some small amounts of salt. If you want to add a deodorizing effect, add a few drops of clear essential oil.   Step 3: Shake the bottle to combine the mixture and spray it generously on the stained area. You can also use it for cleaning the whole carpet if you wish.  Step 4: Wait for the solution to dry and then vacuum over it.  

3. Vinegar and baking soda 

Similar to the technique above, combining vinegar, and baking soda is highly effective. Using these ingredients in tandem creates a fizzing chemical reaction that targets and deodorizes stains - perfect for unpleasant pet accidents. Step 1: Saturate the stain with white vinegar.  Step 2: Sprinkle dry baking soda over the area, making sure to cover the whole patch. You should begin to hear a fizzing sound which means the reaction is working.  Step 3: Wait until the vinegar has completely dried - preferably overnight. Vacuum up the baking soda and repeat as many times as needed until the stain is removed. 

4. Baking soda

If you’re looking for a natural cleaning method with very few steps then this will be the one for you. Baking soda can be used individually by simply sprinkling a light layer over the area you want to clean. After leaving to sit for a few hours, you can quickly vacuum it up. Matthew Jenkins also offered a clever tip of “adding a few drops of essential oil to the baking soda before sprinkling it”, as this will help to disguise any odors. 

5. Natural soap and water

While the methods above involve simple products that you may already have in your cupboard, there are also many great natural soaps available to purchase.  “Natural soaps have the ability to remove dirt without being toxic or dangerous for use in the home”, says Matthew.  “Combine a few drops of the natural soap to warm water and use this mixture to scrub your carpet. Then, use a dry towel to soak up most of the mixture as you go along.”  Discover more guides for the home… Best top load washers (opens in new tab) Best dishwashers (opens in new tab) Best dryers (opens in new tab) Best steam mops (opens in new tab) Best robot vacuums (opens in new tab)

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