The smell will usually lead you directly to the area where your cat has urinated, though you might have to feel around with your hands for a wet spot if it is on carpet or cloth-covered furniture, or a sticky spot if it has dried on tile, linoleum or hardwood floors. [2] X Research source You can also try using a black fluorescent light. These lights will show stains on furniture, walls, or carpet as yellow spots. You can purchase a black light rather inexpensively from pet stores or online. [3] X Research source

If you’re concerned about using a lot of paper towels for environmental reasons, use a cloth towel or rag or even old clothes that can be thrown away. [5] X Research source You can also use a wet vacuum to “suck up” the urine if you have one on hand. This will lift more of the cat urine than blotting. Do not use a steam cleaner as at this point in the cleaning process the heat can cause the odor to last much longer and be more difficult to remove. [6] X Research source

If the stain is already dry, pour cold water on the stain, and blot. [7] X Research source

Enzymatic cleaners break down the uric acid in cat urine into carbon dioxide and ammonia. These are both gasses that will then easily evaporate and thereby neutralize the odor. [9] X Research source These cleaners work on both fresh and old urine stains.

Always follow any instructions that come with the specific cleaner you have purchased. Failure to follow the proper instructions could result in permanent damage to your furniture or surface.

If you notice anything unusual, stop using the product. Either purchase a different commercial product or try the homemade solution below. If you don’t see anything, then go ahead and apply the product to the soiled area.

Close off the affected area. Cats are naturally attracted by the enzymes in urine and will be drawn to urinate in areas that have previously been urinated in. Cover the area loosely with something like aluminum foil or an upside-down laundry basket. This will not only keep the cat from attempting to pee in the same spot while the cleaner does its job but also keep any members of the household from stepping on the area.

This mixture works well for treating both old and new stains.

If the surface of the affected area feels hardened or crunchy, try rinsing the area with some warm water and letting it air dry.