If you have things on your bed, temporarily move them to the floor or in a laundry basket to sort through later on.
Cleaning up trash will also keep unpleasant odors and pests out of your room.
Dirty dishes and crumbs may also attract unwanted pests, so always wash them as soon as you can. Don’t worry about washing the dishes right now if you need to finish cleaning your room. If you have time later, go back and wash them.
Try setting a timer to finish organizing. For example, you may set a 2- or 3-minute timer for sorting through your things before you put what’s left in the basket.
If you don’t have a window, try running a fan or air purifier in your room to help keep air circulating.
Aim the air freshener spray at a ceiling fan if you have one to help spread it throughout your room. You may also light candles or incense in your room to get rid of unpleasant odors.
Alternatively, put a sock on each of your hands. Get one of the socks damp and wipe the surface with it. Then follow up with the dry sock to wipe the surface clean.