Java RTE: https://www. java. com/en/download/manual. jsp Java SDK: https://www. oracle. com/java/technologies/javase/javase-jdk8-downloads. html

Go to https://notepad-plus-plus. org/downloads/ in a web browser. Click the latest release of Notepad++ at the top of the list. Scroll down and click Installer below “Download 64-bit x64. " Click the installer file in your web browser or Downloads folder. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

Click the Windows Start icon. Type “Notepad”. Click the Notepad++ icon (not Notepad).

Click the Windows Start icon. Type “Notepad”. Click the Notepad++ icon (not Notepad).

Click Plugins in the menu bar at the top. Click Plugins Admin or Plugins Manager. Click Show Plugins Manager.

Click This PC. Click C:(OS). Click Program Files. Click Java. Click jdk-[latest version] Click Ok.

Click the Windows Start icon. Type “Notepad”. Click the Notepad++ icon (not Notepad).

Click the Windows Start icon. Type “Notepad”. Click the Notepad++ icon (not Notepad).

Click File in the menu bar at the top. Click Save as in the drop-down menu. Select the folder you want to save your file in. Type a name for your file next to “File name. " Select Java source file (*. java) in the drop-down menu next to “Save as Type. " Click Save.

Click Plugins in the menu bar at the top. Hover your mouse cursor over NppExec. Click Execute.



Click Plugins in the menu bar at the top. Hover over NppExec. Click Execute Select “Java_Compile_Run” in the drop-down menu at the bottom. Click Ok.