For the Destiny 2 Week 2 Seasonal Challenges, players have to complete some of the same objectives that they did in Week 1. However, there are some key differences, with players having to take down different enemy types or accomplish different goals in the various activities. While some of the challenges are straightforward, others take a little more know-how if players want to get them done.
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Here is how to complete all of the Destiny 2 Seasonal Challenges for Week 2.
Contender’s Ascent II
Objective: Report to the War Table in the HELM and complete the “Challenger’s Proving II” quest.
With Week 1, Destiny 2 players were tasked with completing a quest called Challenger’s Proving. The point of the quest was to teach players how the new Battlegrounds missions would work, as well as get them equipped with the Hammer of Proving. The storyline continues with Challenger’s Proving II, which is a multi-step quest. The first thing players will need to do is complete the Battleground: Cleansing mission, which is the new Battleground found in the Cosmodrome. Then just follow the subsequent steps, which include collecting Cabal Gold, participating in the Battleground playlist, and smashing a Tribute Chest with the Hammer of Proving. All told, players should be able to complete Challenger’s Proving II at a faster rate than they did the original version of the quest in Week 1.
While completing Challenger’s Proving II in Destiny 2, players will also be getting credit for some of the other challenges that they need to do in Week 2.
Golden Reaper
Objective: Acquire Cabal Gold by playing strikes, Gambit, Crucible, Public Events, and more.
For Week 2, Destiny 2 players need to amass a total of 200 Cabal Gold. Luckily, any progress that they made on this challenge in the previous week will count for this week, so it shouldn’t take all that long. Cabal Gold, for those that don’t remember, is acquired by completing various activities in Destiny 2, so players should be able to get the Cabal Gold while they are out completing various objectives in the game.
Crash and Converge
Objective: Smash Tribute Chests and focus Season of the Chosen Engrams using Charges from the Hammer of Proving.
There was a similar objective in the Destiny 2 Week 1 Seasonal Challenges, though that only required players to smash five Tribute Chests and focus five Umbral Engrams. This time around, players have to do 10 total, though it should be noted that, like with the Cabal Gold, progress made towards this challenge in the previous week applies to Week 2. For Destiny 2 players who don’t quit remember exactly what they need to do, this is done by socketing the Hammer of Proving, building a charge in the Hammer by completing a Battlegrounds activity, and then spending those charges to focus Umbral Engrams at the HELM. The catch is that the focusing part only counts for Umbral Engrams that are focused using Hammer Charges, so the two Engram types on the far right of the focusing menu.
The Bigger They Are…
Objective: Defeat Elite or Boss Cabal anywhere in the system.
For this Destiny 2 Seasonal Challenge, Guardians will need to kill 60 Elite or Boss Cabal anywhere in the game. While this may seem intimidating at first, it’s actually something that will likely be completed while trying to complete some of the other challenges this week. The best way to do this is through the Battlegrounds playlist, though players can make progress towards this challenge in Strikes and other places as well. Specifically, players would want to do the Arms Dealer and Insight Terminus Strikes, but again, Battlegrounds are definitely the most efficient way to get this particular challenge done.
Trials of the Tinker
Objective: Unlock artifact mods.
Destiny 2 players will have the Bell of Conquests artifact in their inventory from completing the Week 1 Challenger’s Proving quest. This artifact can be upgraded by spending points on artifact mods in the Bell of Conquest. Points are earned by getting XP, so Destiny 2 players will want to just play the game like normal, tackling the other objectives until they have enough XP to unlock all of the artifact mods they can. Interact with the Bell of Conquests, located in the bottom left-hand corner of the character screen, to spend the points and make progress toward the challenge. In total, players will need to spend 12 points on artifact mods to satisfy the requirements for this challenge.
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Chosen Cosmonaut
Objective: In the Cosmodrome, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.
For the Destiny 2 Week 1 Seasonal Challenges, players had to do something simple to this objective, except on Europa. The basic gist of this is that players have to complete activities on the Cosmodrome while also completing at least 10 bounties. To get Cosmodrome bounties, Destiny 2 players will want to speak with Shaw Han. After players acquire the necessary Cosmodrome bounties, they can start exploring the area, completing activities while going after bounties. Eventually, Destiny 2 players will have done enough to complete this quest, though it may take a couple of days.
Expose to the Elements
Objective: Calibrate elemental weapons in the Cosmodrome.
While Destiny 2 players work on their Cosmodrome bounties, they will want to make sure they are using Energy weapons as much as possible. The more enemies they kill with Energy weapons, the more they will fill up the progress bar for the Expose to the Elements Week 2 Seasonal Challenge. After completing the bounties and the Chosen Cosmonaut quest, if players still need more Energy weapon kills, they should just keep completing patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.
Drifter’s Chosen
Objective: Earn points by banking Motes, defeating Blockers, and defeating Invaders in Gambit.
For Week 1, Destiny 2 players needed to complete Gambit matches. For Week 2, they need to not only complete Gambit matches, but earn points while doing so. To get Gambit match points, Destiny 2 players need to bank as many notes as possible, defeat Blockers (the Taken enemies that spawn in and make it impossible to bank motes until they’re destroyed), and kill invading players. Banking motes will be the easiest way to make progress towards this goal, but players don’t have to think about it too hard. Just play Gambit matches until the bar is full and this challenge will be complete.
Entertain Lord Shaxx
Objective: Complete matches in the Showdown Crucible playlist. Earn bonus points for wins.
Destiny 2 players who aren’t a fan of the Crucible will likely find this objective to be a pain, even more than the Mayhem challenge from Week 1. Showdown is a 3v3 mode in Destiny 2, where players can revive their partners to negate the points of the enemy team. Players have to complete, and preferably win, Showdown matches to complete the Week 2 Seasonal Challenge Entertain Lord Shaxx. They will get 13% progress from losing and 20% progress from winning. So bare minimum, Destiny 2 players will need to play at least five Showdown matches if they manage to win them all, or eight if they lose them all.
Remember to grab some bounties from Shaxx before hopping in to level up faster and earn even more rewards. And be sure to complete this particular challenge before the Destiny 2 weekly reset, as Bungie will likely swap it out with a different Crucible playlist.
Dominance Operandi: Cabal
Objective: Defeat Cabal bosses in strikes.
The Dominance Operandi for Destiny 2’s Week 1 of Seasonal Challenges was all about killing 200 Fallen enemies. This week, players have to focus on killing Cabals, but not any Cabal will do. More specifically, Destiny 2 players have to take down Cabal bosses in Strikes. There are two Destiny 2 Strikes with Cabal bosses at the end, so players will want to alternate between them to get this challenge done as quickly as possible:
The Arms Dealer (European Dead Zone) Insight Terminus (Nessus)
The Insight Terminus may seem like it’s all about the Vex, but it does conclude with a Cabal boss that players can complete to progress this Seasonal Challenge.
Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
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