Prostitution is illegal in all of the United States except for 10 Nevada counties. [2] X Research source Learn about state and county laws by searching “prostitution” in the FindLaw. com database. Talking with an escort or agency is not usually illegal unless it involve offers to exchange money for sexual or illicit activities.

Keep in mind that high-end escorts might not be on review sites for privacy reasons. Instead, look for a consistent online presence in ads and on social media. A reliable escort should have several authentic photos available.

Look for information about the times you can contact them, how much their services cost, and the escort’s personality traits.

Escorts and agencies have the right to turn down services. Being kind and respectful of their time can help you gain their trust.

Try something simple like, “Hi, my name is John. I was wondering if Sandra would be available this weekend,” or “Hello! I’m Bobby, and I’m curious about what your services entail. ” Booking agents help monitor calls for escort services and help set up schedules. If you have any questions about escorts or the agency, take the time to ask them.

Be straightforward about what you want, so the escort or agency can know how to meet your needs. Try saying or texting something like, “Hi! I’m Billy, and I saw your ad online. I’d love to get in touch with you to make an appointment, or “I’m looking for someone to attend a wedding with this weekend. Is that something your services could provide?”

Trying to argue or bribe an escort or their agency won’t work. They don’t necessarily want to engage in illegal or promiscuous activity.

For example, ask, “Can you meet me in the lobby of The Overlook at 8:00 PM tonight?” Time frames may need to be negotiated as an escort might not be available at your preferred time. A safe meeting location could be a hotel lobby, park, or restaurant.

You might say something like, “We will be going to the restaurant at 8:30 PM,” or “I’m hoping to watch the sunset on the beach with you. ” Escorts need to know the time and place of a date for their own safety, so try to be as detailed as possible.

Be clear about the date’s schedule, so the price is accurate. You may have to pay more if the date goes longer than expected.

For example, a clean pair of jeans and a T-shirt are appropriate for most casual dates, and a button-down shirt or tie is great for fancier restaurants.

The escort may take time to count the money before starting the date. Don’t be offended by this—they’re just doing their job.

If you cancel at the last minute, consider paying for at least the travel expenses and the first half hour of the date.

When you first meet the escort, notice if they appear to be as old as they say they are. If they don’t, ask to see their escorting license or ID to confirm their age. Interacting with someone under the age of 18 could be a felony. If you decide to go through with the date, keep in mind that you’ll have to pay for it even if it wasn’t what you originally wanted.