You can also try calling the toll-free number JetBlue may have a different phone number depending on where you’re calling. You can check here for a list of all the phone numbers by country: https://www. jetblue. com/contact-us.
You’ll have to pay for standard text messaging rates.
If the live chat feature isn’t available, then the app will ask you to call JetBlue instead.
You can access the technical support page here: https://www. jetblue. com/help/technical-support. Apple Business Chat will only respond between 7 AM – 9 PM EDT. Apple Business Chat also works on desktop Mac computers as long as they run macOS 10. 13. 5 or higher.
You can access the Contact Us page directly here: https://www. jetblue. com/contact-us.
Make sure to include your first and last name in the contact information.
You do not need to include the confirmation code if you don’t have one or don’t want to.
You can select the box that says “I’m traveling within 48 hours” to help expedite your request, but you might get a faster response if you call JetBlue instead.